Episode 70 – “MCFC 2024”
Click HERE to listen on Spotify.
Show notes: For this 70th episode, I took a quick trip up to Memphis to attend the Memphis Comic and Fantasy Convention at the Holiday Inn on the U of M campus.
This year is the 14th anniversary for the local con. it was started by Joe Thordarson, Brandon Olmstead, and Allan Gilbreath – who also do the radio shows “Geek Tank Radio” and “Tool Talk Radio“on 98.9 The Roar.
I ran into several local comic creators, some like Greg Cravens (Con Cards) and A.G. Howard (Howard Art Studios) I’ve known for about 4o years now! They were the two artists who mentored me when I first started airbrushing back in my late teens.
Some other familiar faces (and voices) at the MCFC were Matt Bowers, Allan Gilbreath, Shawn Howe, Devin Hodges, John Martin, and Chris “The Jowers” Jowers.
I also beamed aboard Station Shelby to talk with James Wheatly about the local Star Trek fan club in town.
There were lots of vendors, artists, and even some LEGO to play with in the dealer’s room, plus around the con there was a game room, panel room, and an autograph section.
I had a great time talking toons with everyone at the con on Sunday. It’s kinda crazy how many cons and art events there are in town these days!
Speaking of events, I also share some info on our upcoming MSCA monthly dinner meet-up and holiday art swap at Garibaldi’s Pizza on December 3rd, from 6-8pm, the Midsouth Toy Fest, and other MSCA member and industry news, including former Memphians Mike Norton and John Jackson Miller.
Happy Thanksgiving, ya turkeys!
Drawing Funny Podcast website – www.drawingfunny.com
Drawing Funny Podcast on Spotify – www.podcasters.spotify.com/
Mid-South Cartoonists Association/MSCA (Memphis, TN) – www.midsouthcartoonists.org
My art website – www.linworkman.com
Memphis Comic And Fantasy Con/MCFC – www.memphiscfc.com/
Geek Tank Radio – www.geektankradio.wordpress.com/
Tool Talk Radio – www.tooltalkradio.wordpress.com/
Dark Oak Press and Media – www.darkoakpress.com/
Garibaldi’s Pizza (U of M) – www.garibaldispizza.com
Greg Cravens Cartoonist – www.cravenscartoonist.com
A.G. Howard (Howard Art Studios) – www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100049349688106
Crosspoint Toys & Games (Millington, TN) – www.facebook.com/CenterpointToys/
John Martin Art– www.jwmartin1225.wixsite.com/johnvampyrmartin
Devin Hodges Art– www.diastcartoons.com/
Shawn Howe Art– www.facebook.com/TheArtOfShawnzilla
Matt Bowers Art– www.mattbowersdesignart.weebly.com/
Chris Jowers – www.chrisjowers.com/
Station Shelby (Star Trek Fan Group) – www.linktr.ee/stationshelby.
Midsouth Toy Fest – www.midsouthtoyfest.com/
Mike Norton –www.ihatemike.com/
John Jackson Miller – www.farawaypress.com/
HGWT Rockin’ In Memphis: My Day Trip To The Memphis Comics and Fantasy Con (2013) – www.havegeekwilltravel.com/
Theme: “Silly Bank Heist” music by Steve Oxen. News intro theme by David Fesliyan.
©2020 Fesliyan Studios Inc. – music and sound effects used by permission.
Please DO NOT add this audio content to the Youtube Content ID System. I have used background music which is owned by Fesliyan Studios.
Movie quotes and additional sounds from 101soundboards.com.
“Drawing Funny” podcast hosted/produced by Lin Workman ©2024. “Drawing Funny” is intended for entertainment and educational purposes only.
Run time: 1hr 26min 6sec
(Click on the highlighted hyperlinks or links in the show notes to check them all out.)