Episode 51 – “Spamalittle & Drawalot!”
Show Notes: It’s been a very busy (and wet) couple of weeks here for our merry band of cartoonists, but overall it’s been a lot of fun.
“Spamalittle: Knights Of The Drawing Table” is the 2nd art show that the MSCA has exhibited in the lobby of Germantown Community Theatre, and we’ll be back for another next season.
This art show featured lots of “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” inspired artwork on display (and for sale) by our members.
The cold rain and scary weather around the mid-south kept the attendance down a bit, but definitely not the sales!
Several of the show’s pieces were sold that night – including this one of mine!
The Spamalittle art show runs in conjunction with their production of “Spamalot The Musical” March 3-19 at GCT – 3037 Forest Hill Irene Rd.👑
The next morning many of us were drawn together for our latest Sat-Art-Day at 901 Comics East out on Macon Road.
It was another full house for our latest sketchy Saturday in the back gallery room at 901 Comics’ Cordova location, where we were surrounded by a lot of comic art on the walls – including some original comic book pages from ”The Walking Dead“.
We’ll be back out east at 901 for another Sat-Art-Day on March 25th, as well as another Drink-N-Draw event on March 15th, the Wednesday before St. Patrick’s Day.
901 Comics (both locations) also sells many locally created comics series made by our MSCA members, including “Stoned Ninja“.
The creative team behind Stoned Ninja will teach you what they know about making comics all while enjoying a beer at Crosstown Brewery (1264 Concourse Avenue, Crosstown Concourse) on March 23rd from 6-8pm.
Join writer Gabe DeRanzo and the MSCA’s own Greg Cravens (The Buckets, Hubris, Shoney Bear) as they teach the next class in Crosstown’s Creative Juices sereies- which are instuctional classes for the creative 901. Tickets are $30.00ea and can be purchased through eventbrite by cliking here.
Our next upcoming MSCA event is the monthly dinner meet-up at Garibaldi’s Pizza on Walker Ave. near the U of M on Tuesday, March 7th from 6-8pm. We meet on the 1st Tuesday of the month (except for the 4th of July this summer).✏️🍕
Later this spring, the 2nd Midtown Con at Black Lodge Video will be held on April 4th from 10am-5pm.
Which will be followed the next month by the Memphis Libraries Comic Con. It’s a free event on Saturday, May 6th (Free Comic Book Day) at the main library on Poplar. The MSCA will have a table there to promote our group. Special guests are John Ostrander and Mike Norton – who is a former MSCA member!
Oh, and be sure to check 0ut my Tee Public store. More merch to come…“Stay TOONED!”
Mid-South Cartoonists Association/MSCA (Memphis, TN) – www.midsouthcartoonists.org
My art website – www.linworkman.com
My Tee-Public Store – www.teepublic.com/user/lin-workman-art
Kevin L. Williams – www.muleythemule.com
Stoned Ninja – www.stonedninja.com
Garibaldi’s Pizza – www.garibaldispizza.com
901 Comics – www.901-comics.business.site
Germantown Community Theatre – www.gctcomeplay.org
Python (Monty) Pictures – www.montypython.com
Theme: “Silly Bank Heist” music by Steve Oxen. News intro theme by David Fesliyan.
©2020 Fesliyan Studios Inc. – music and sound effects used by permission.
Please DO NOT add this audio content to the Youtube Content ID System. I have used background music which is owned by Fesliyan Studios.
Movie quotes and additional sounds from 101soundboards.com.
Run time: 19min 40sec
9014537447:Box Office 9014537444:Main Box Office
My sketchcards and a couple of my sketchcovers for sale at The Cellar: 2737 Bartlett Blvd, Bartlett, TN 38134
My sketchcards for sale at 901 Comics East: 8551 Macon Rd, Cordova, TN 38018